
Fire Configuration

From C3LearningLabs

Fire Config

The xml element FireConfig defines the fire properties.

The fire is defined with the following properties :




How much the fire behaviour is changed depending on the wind.
See fire development formel

Value range = "0.8" ... "0.8"
For more information see the fire simulation documentation.


How long time it takes for a normal square do ignite if it is burning in a neighbour square.
See fire development formel

Value example= "20"
Value example = "40"
For more information see the fire simulation documentation.


How long time it takes for a square to burn down.
See fire development formel

Value example= "40" /> Value example = "80"
For more information see the fire simulation documentation.

  WindFactor = "0.8"    
  IgniteTime = "20"    
  BurnOutTime = "40" />

Fire States

Defines the different states a fire in a square can be in.
Possible states are; Clear, Fire, ClosedOut, BurnedOut, FireBreak.

Do not change the values in the <FireStates> element.
The fire simulation in C3Fire version 3.1 and 3.2 can not handle other states than the one defined in the default configuration file.


Defines a fire state that a fire in a square can be in.

The image representing this fire state on the map should have the file name IDName with '12.gif' as an extension ( <IDName>12.gif).

Example : Clear12.gif

The image file should be stored in the map image catalog <C3FIRE-MAP-IMAGES> , located at <C3FIRE-WWW-ROOT>/pic/

Example : C:\c3fire\www\pic\Clear12.gif

The standard experiment setting defines four states a fire in a square can be in. Possible states are; Clear, Fire, ClosedOut and
BurnedOut. Each state must be represented of an image, named and saved according to examples above.

Clear : C3system-config-session-unit-window-fire-stete-clear12.gif

Fire : C3system-config-session-unit-window-fire-stete-fire12.gif

Closed Out : C3system-config-session-unit-window-fire-state-closed-out12.gif

Burned Out : C3system-config-session-unit-window-fire-state-burned-out12.gif

The different states of fire

Configuration example:

  IDName = "Clear" />





The identification name for a fire state type.

Value example = "Clear","Fire","ClosedOut","BurnedOut"

Fire FightingConfig

The xml element FireFightingConfig defines the fire fighting properties.

The fire fighting is defined with the following properties: Configuration example:




If water logistic should be included in the session. If true then module is included.

Possible values = "True", "False"

Module : WaterLogistic

For more information about the module see WaterLogistic.
This feature is possible only if Your C3Fire distribution has the module WaterLogistic


Defines refilling-water position constraints between a unit that wants water and a water
refilling unit.

Possible values :
"WaterRefillOnSamePos", "WaterRefillOnNESWPos"
Default are "WaterRefillOnNESWPos"

The water refilling process can start if the units are on the same pos on the map.

The water refilling process can start if the unit that wants water is one square left, right,
over or under the water refilling unit. The unit should stand on square North, East,
South or West of the other unit. (On NESW Pos).

If the unit that wants water is on pos (x,y).
Then possible positions for the water refilling unit are :
(x-1,y), (x+1,y), (x,y-1) or (x,y+1)
Not possible positions are :
(x,y), (x-1,y-1), (x+1,y+1), (x+1,y-1), (x-1,y+1)


If the possibility to create fire breaks should be included in the session. If true then
module is included.

Possible values = "True", "False"

Module : FireBreak, read more

For more information about the module see FireBreak.
This feature is possible only if Your C3Fire distribution has the module FireBreak included.


How the fire fighting units are collaborating when they are on one the same square.

Possible values = "UnitCollaboration", "OnlyOneUnit",

The units collaborates well when fighting the fire in the square. The time for fighting the
fire is calculated as below. It means that the fighting time will be half of the time the most efficient unit in the square.

Fighting time = Minimum(

 (Remaining fighting time for the units that 
 already is fighting),
 (Fighting time for the new unit)


The units do not collaborate when fighting the fire in the square. Their being in the same square does not interfear with the fire extinguishing.The time for fighting the fire is calculated as below. It means that the fighting unit that is best qualified(have the best fighting time) will do the fire fighting. Fighting time = Minimum(

 (Remaining fighting time for the units that 
  already is fighting),
 (Fighting time for the new unit)


The units do not collaborate when fighting the fire in the square. They interfear with each others work and a delay time is added to the fire fighting time.The time for fighting the fire is calculated as below.

It means that the fighting unit that is best qualified(have the best fighting time) will do the fire fighting, but the unit have some extra time added to its regular fire fighting time. Fighting time = Minimum(

 (Remaining fighting time for the units that 
  already is fighting),
 (Fighting time for the new unit)

) + fireFightingLocalAreaCoordinationDelayTime


The delay time added to the unit that extinguish fire when the
FireFightingLocalAreaCoordinationType is set to "OnlyOneUnitAndTimeDelay".

Value example= "20" />

    WaterLogistic = "true"
    WaterRefillOnPosType = "WaterRefillOnNESWPos"
    FireBreak = "true"
    FireFightingLocalAreaCoordinationType = "OnlyOneUnitAndTimeDelay" 
    FireFightingLocalAreaCoordinationDelayTime = "20" /> 