
Station Configuration

From C3LearningLabs


The configuration element <Stations> defines all the Stations in a session. The <Stations> element is located in the root element, at top level in the session configuration file. The <Stations> element can be moved to a separate configuration file, by using session include parameter ConfigIncludeFileStations in the main configuration file. For more instruction how to use session include, see Session Include. It is recommended to move the session configuration to a separate file.

  <Station> ... </Station>
  <Station> ... </Station>
  <Station> ... </Station>


The configuration element <Station> defines a station and contain a set of basic properties. Beside the basic properties the activated modules can add properties for the Station. See documentation for each module.

A station is defined with the following properties:

      IDName = "Army Post"
      NameShort = "Army Post"
      NameLong = "Army Post"
      Type = "Heltid"
      ControledBy = "AutoC3Basic"
      Description = ""
      DescriptionHTML = ""
      Location = "Army Post"
      Personnel = ""
      Points = "0.0"
      Pos = "10,10"
      Vehicle = "" >

        <Texts> ... </Texts>
        <Images> ... </Images>
        <StationUI> ... <StationUI>

        <ItemObjects> ... </ItemObjects>
        <ItemInteractions> ... </ItemInteractions>

        <!-- Module specific configuration -->
        <Aid> ... </Aid>
        <Bomb> ... </Bomb>
        <Fuel> ... </Fuel>
        <Money> ... </Money>
        <Supply> ... </Supply>
        <Transport> ... </Transport>
        <Water> ... </Water>


Main properties

A station is defined with the following main properties.

Station Parameters



Only Used In


The identification name. Should be unique, and are used in the configuration.

Example value: "S1", "Army Post", "Hospital"


A standard short name
This parameter can be used, but will be deprecated, and should be removed in future versions. It will be replaced with the usage of the <Texts> ... </Texts> element described below.


The size of the panel.

A standard long name
This parameter can be used, but will be deprecated, and should be removed in future versions. It will be replaced with the usage of the <Texts> ... </Texts> element described below.


The stations type, based on Swedish standard.

Possible values are "Heltid" and "Deltid".



How the station in controlled.

Possible values are "Player","AutoC3Basic".


A standard description
This parameter can be used, but will be deprecated, and should be removed in future versions. It will be replaced with the usage of the <Texts> ... </Texts> element described below.


A standard html description
This parameter can be used, but will be deprecated, and should be removed in future versions. It will be replaced with the usage of the <Texts> ... </Texts> element described below.


The position this station is on, defined by a location ID.
This values is used if not parameter Pos is defined below.
The location should be defined in the <Locations> ... </Locations> element, described at Locations.


The personnel that have their home station in this station is defined here.
The personnel is defined by personnel IDNames separated with ,.

Value Example = ""


The number of points this station have.
The personnel is defined by personnel IDNames separated with ,.

Value Example = "234.5"


The position this station is on.
This values is used if it is defined. if this value is not defined the position will be defined by the if not parameter Location.


The vehicles that have their home station in this station is defined here.
The vehicles is defined by vehicle IDNames separated with ,.

Value Example = ""


The texts possible to use for this object are defined in the <Texts> element.


A text is defined with the following properties:

Text Parameters



Only Used In


The identification name. Should be unique for this object.
Should be unique in this <Texts> ... <Texts> element.

Example value: "ShortName", "Description-HTML"


The formatting type of the text.

Possible values: "Normal","Formatted", "Html"
Normal: The text is used as it is in the UI, Logfiles, etc.
Formatted: The text is formatted using the font and color description in this text, when displayed in a html supported display area.
Html: The text is formatted as html, when displayed in a html supported display area.


The background color used when displayed in a text format supported display area.
Hexadecimal color code definition "#FFFFFF", #(Red)(Green)(Blue)

Exampe values: "#FF0000", "#FF9A00"


The font name used when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Example values: "Arial"


The font size used when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Example values: "12"


If the font style should have bold activated when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Possible values: "True","False","Yes","No"


If the font style should have italic activated when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Possible values: "True","False","Yes","No"


The text that should be used.

Example values: "Hello World"


The text color used when displayed in a text format supported display area.
Hexadecimal color code definition "#FFFFFF", #(Red)(Green)(Blue)

Exampe values: "#FF0000", "#FF9A00"


The position correction for the displayed in a text format supported display area.

Example values: "-5,-4"
If the value are (-5,-4) then the centre position for the text is moved 5 pixels towards west and 4 pixels towards north.

Xml configuration example:

          Name = "MapReal"
          Type = "Formatted"
          BackgroundColor = ""
          FontName = "Arial"
          FontSize = "24"
          FontStyleBold = "True"
          FontStyleItalic = "False"
          Text = "Village A"
          TextColor = "#EEEEEE"
          ZeroPos = "-50,-50" />


The images possible to use for this object are defined in the <Images> element.


A Image is defined with the following properties:

Image Parameters



Only Used In


The identification name. Should be unique for this object.
Should be unique in this <Texts> ... <Texts> element.

Example value: "ShortName", "Description-HTML"


How the image is crated.

Possible values: "Load","Create"
Load: The image are loaded.
Create: The image is an text that is created with the defined formatting.


The background color used when displayed in a text format supported display area.
Hexadecimal color code definition "#FFFFFF", #(Red)(Green)(Blue)

Exampe values: "#FF0000", "#FF9A00"


The background color of the border around the image
Hexadecimal color code definition "#FFFFFF", #(Red)(Green)(Blue)

Exampe values: "#FF0000", "#FF9A00"


The size of the border around the image
Value is difined in pixels.

Example values: "1"


A relative path and file name to the image file.
The path is relative to:
<C3FIRE-IMAGES> = ...\C3LearningLabs\C3Fire\Client\Files\ROOT\Image\
Same structure for C3Rescue and C3Conflict.

Example value: "Station/ArmyPost.png"


The font name used when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Example values: "Arial"


The font size used when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Example values: "12"


If the font style should have bold activated when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Possible values: "True","False","Yes","No"


If the font style should have italic activated when displayed in a text format supported display area.

Possible values: "True","False","Yes","No"


The size of the created image.
The value is in format "width,height"

Example values: "80,20"


The text that should be used.

Example values: "Hello World"


The text color used when displayed in a text format supported display area.
Hexadecimal color code definition "#FFFFFF", #(Red)(Green)(Blue)

Exampe values: "#FF0000", "#FF9A00"


The position correction for the displayed in a text format supported display area.

Example values: "-5,-4"
If the value are (-5,-4) then the centre position for the text is moved 5 pixels towards west and 4 pixels towards north.

Xml configuration example:

          Name = "MapReal"
          BackgroundColor = "#AAAAFF"
          BorderColor = "#000000"
          BorderSize = "0"
          CreateMethod = "Load"
          FileName = "Station/VillageA.png"
          FontName = ""
          FontSize = ""
          FontStyleBold = ""
          FontStyleItalic = ""
          Size = ""
          Text = ""
          TextColor = ""
          ZeroPos = "" />


The startion UI element defines what UI configuration to use for this startion.
The startion UI is defined with the following properties:

StationUI Parameters



Only Used In


The identification name of the station activity control user interface specification.
The specification should be defined in the <StationActivityControls> ... <StationActivityControls> element in the <UserInterfaceGlobal> element.

Example value: "Army Post"


The text displayed at the border of the activity control panel.
The text should be defined in the <Texts> element.

Exampe values: "PanelText"


The station image displayed on the map
The image should be defined in the <Images> element.

Exampe values: "MapReal"


The text displayed near the station image on the map
The text should be defined in the <Texts> element.

Exampe values: "MapReal"

Xml configuration example:

        ActivityControlPanelName = "Army Post"
        ActivityControlPanelText = "PanelText"
        MapRealPosImage = "MapReal"
        MapRealPosText = "MapReal" />