
C3Fire Configuration in Linux

From C3LearningLabs

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The Basic C3Fire distribution contains all you need to run the system except the Java environment.
It contains The C3Fire environment, a pre-configured Jetty web server.

Download System

The system can be downloaded from the download page.
Require a system license at the license page.

Check Java

Java needs to be installed on the computer to be able to run the C3Fire server.
You can check what java version that is installed, with the following command in a terminal window.
java -version

It should be 1.8 or higher. example. java version "1.8.0_121"

You can launch a terminal window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T

Install Server

Select Server Computer

Select the computer that you want to have as C3Fire server. It should be visible in the network that you use when you run C3Fire sessions.

Contact your network administrator and make sure that the C3Fire server and the C3Fire clients should be able to communicate in the network. The C3Fire server and the clients should be able to communicate on a port that you can select. The default port is 8381 but you can define port number in the C3Fire server configuration.

IP address and Port number
Every computer in a network have an IP address. If a computer program accepts calls from an other computer its open a port and starts listens on that port number. In IPv4 the port number is a number between 1-65535. Specific port numbers are often used to identify specific services. The C3Fire server uses port 8381 by default.

The C3Fire Server uses a Jetty web server to distribute files to the clients. The Jetty web server uses the port 8380, can be changed in the configuration. It is also possible to use an external web server, then you need have write access to that web server.

Backup old sessions

If you have an old C3Fire installation on the computer backup the old session log files.


We recommend that you install the system in folder /opt/c3system.
Create the installation folder with the following command.
sudo mkdir /opt/c3system

Set read write permissions for the folder.
sudo chmod 755 /opt/c3system

Download and copy the installation file "c3fire-v4.0.5.2-install-linux.tgz" to the install folder and go to that folder.
cd /opt/c3system

Uncompress the c3fire system with the following command.
sudo tar zxvf c3fire-v4.0.5.2-install-linux.tgz

It will generate the folder structure.

Set read write permissions for the C3System foder structure.
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/c3system

License file

The C3Fire system needs a license file to be able to start.
The license file is supplied by C3 Learning Labs. If you do not have a license file, require a system license at the license page.
The license file should be copied to the folder <C3FIRE-ROOT>\server\.

Example: /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Server/c3fire.license

With a correct C3Fire license file it is now time to try if the system is working on the server computer.

Test C3Fire Server

This test should be performed before and after you have configure the C3Fire server. Before the configuration the server should run as local host using the ip number and after the configuration the server should use the ip number defined in the configuration process.

The C3Fire server can be started with the program <C3FIRE-Server>\C3FireServer.exe or script file <C3FIRE-Server>\C3FireServer.bat with the file explorer in the windows environment.

Go to the C3Fire server forder:
cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Server

Start the server with the following command:
java -Xmx256m -Xms128m -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser -Djava.security.policy=C3Fire.policy -classpath ./Lib/C3Systems.jar c3systems.server.server.Server -c C3FireServerConfig.xml -ui No

The C3Fire server can also be stared with the shortcut "C3Fire Server" on your desktop.

After some startup processes the C3Fire server should write 'C3Fire Server Running'.

If the C3Fire server does not start go to Troubleshooting C3Fire Server below.