
Installation C3Fire Manager Client on Mac

From C3LearningLabs

The C3Fire distribution contains all you need to run the system. It contains The C3Fire environment, and the needed Java environment.

Download System

The system can be downloaded from the download page.
Require a system license at the license page.

Install C3Fire Manager Client


The installation is done with commands in a terminal window.

 You can launch a terminal window by:
 Click on the terminal icon in the Launchpad.


 or, Click the Spotlight icon. It’s the magnifying glass at the top right corner of the screen.
 Type terminal.app into the search box.

We recommend that you install the system in folder /Applications/C3System.
Create the installation folder with the following command.
sudo mkdir /Applications/C3System

Set read write permissions for the folder. Depending on how you are using your system you may need to set the permissions to 777 while installing. Remember to set it correct after the installation process.
sudo chmod 777 /Applications/C3System or sudo chmod 755 /Applications/C3System

Download and copy
Download and copy the installation file "c3fire-vx.x.x.x-install-mac.tgz" to the install folder /Applications/C3System.
Go to that folder in the terminal window.
cd /Applications/C3System
Uncompress the c3fire system with the following command.
In the command replace the version V4.1.0.0 number to the version number in the downloaded file.
sudo tar zxvf c3fire-v4.2.0.0-install-mac-arm.tgz or
sudo tar zxvf c3fire-v4.2.0.0-install-mac-x86.tgz
The installation will create the C3Fire folder structure, see Folder Structure at installation start page.
Set access rights
Set read write permissions for the C3System folder structure.
Depending on how you are using your system you may need to set the permissions to 777.
sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/C3System/C3LearningLabs
sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/C3System/C3LearningLabs

License file

The Manager Client needs a license file to be able to create new sessions.
The license file is supplied by C3 Learning Labs. If you do not have a license file, require a system license at the license page.
The license file should have the nameC3Fire.license, the case of the letter is important.

The license file should be copied to the folder: <C3LEARNINGLABS-ROOT>/C3Fire/Server/
Example: /Applications/C3System/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Server/C3Fire.license

Configure Manager Client

The configuration you need to do:
  • Set the IP number to the C3Fire server.


The connection to the server is defined in the file <C3FIRE-CLIENT>\C3FireClientConfig.xml

Example : /Applications/C3System/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Client/Files/Root/C3FireClientConfig.xml

  IPNrLan = ""
  IPNrWan = ""
  PortLan = "8382"
  PortWan = "8382"
  ... />

  IPNr = ""
Set the server computer's Lan IP number.
Set the server computer's Wan IP number. (The IP number the server has on the internet)

The person who installed the C3Fire Server should know the Lan and Wan ip Number.

Disable Connection to C3Cloud server

To make the start process to start C3Fire client easier.

Set CloudServer Active = "False"

  Active = "False"
  ServersInfoUrl = "http://www.c3learninglabs.com/c3cloud_servers_info.xml"
  UseServerName = "" />

Start manager

Now you can test to start a session

The C3Fiore Server needs to be started to be able to start a session, see Start Server
Wan - Start an internet based session
Lan - Start a session in a Local area network