
Update P1-F4AUV To P2-F4AUV

From C3LearningLabs

Create new configuration files

Copy Folder
Source : ...\C3LearningLabs\C3Fire\Client\SessionDef\Demo\UAV\P1-F4UAV
New Folder: ...\C3LearningLabs\C3Fire\Client\SessionDef\Demo\UAV\P2-F4UAV
Rename all files in folder
P1-F4UAV.con => P2-F4UAV.con
P1-F4UAV.sce => P2-F4UAV.sce
P1-F4UAV-MapObjectsPos.coni => P2-F4UAV-MapObjectsPos.coni
P1-F4UAV-MapObjectTypes.coni => P2-F4UAV-MapObjectTypes.coni
P1-F4UAV-Roles.coni => P2-F4UAV-Roles.coni
P1-F4UAV-RolesScrollPos.coni => P2-F4UAV-RolesScrollPos.coni
P1-F4UAV-UAVsPos.coni => P2-F4UAV-UAVsPos.coni
P1-F4UAV-UIGlobal.coni => P2-F4UAV-UIGlobal.coni
P1-F4UAV-UIMain-MapCenter.coni => P2-F4UAV-UIMain-MapCenter.coni
P1-F4UAV-Units.coni => P2-F4UAV-Units.coni
P1-F4UAV-UnitsInfoUI.coni => P2-F4UAV-UnitsInfoUI.coni
P1-F4UAV-UnitsPos.coni => P2-F4UAV-UnitsPos.coni
Update file references in file P2-F4UAV.con
  Type = "ForestFire"
  ConfigIncludeFile_ComunicationUI = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_ComunicationUIEvents = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_MapObjectTypes = "P2-F4UAV-MapObjectTypes.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_MapObjectsPos = "P2-F4UAV-MapObjectsPos.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_People = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_PeoplePos = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_Roles = "P2-F4UAV-Roles.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_RolesScrollPos = "P2-F4UAV-RolesScrollPos.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_StationActivityControlsUI = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_Stations = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_UAVsPos = "P2-F4UAV-UAVsPos.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_UnitInfoUI = "P2-F4UAV-UnitsInfoUI.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_Units = "P2-F4UAV-Units.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_UnitsPos = "P2-F4UAV-UnitsPos.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_UserInterface = "P2-F4UAV-UIMain-MapCenter.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_UserInterfaceGlobal = "P2-F4UAV-UIGlobal.coni"
  ConfigIncludeFile_VehicleActivityControlsUI = ""
  ConfigIncludeFile_Vehicles = ""
  Version = "4.0.1" >

Set the default configuration

To make it easier to develop a new session configuration set the default configuration file in the Client configuration. Then you don't need to manually browse the configuration file every time you start a session.

See Set default configuration

Edit File

Set the folder for the new configuration and the config and scenario file name.

  SessionConfigDirectory  = "SessionDef/Demo/UAV\P2-F4UAV"
  SessionLogDirectory     = "../../../Server/SessionLogs"
  ScenarioDirectory       = "SessionDef/Demo/UAV\P2-F4UAV"
  MapImageDirectory       = "SessionDef/Demo/UAV\P2-F4UAV"
  SequenceConfigDirectory = ""
  SessionConfigFile       = "P2-F4UAV.con"
  ScenarioFile            = "P2-F4UAV.sce"
  MapImageFile            = ""
  SequenceConfigFile      = "" />


Create new role
Edit file: P2-F4UAV-Roles.coni
  1. Add new role
  2. Set the units the role control, For all roles - ControlUnits = "..."
  3. Set name - LongName = "..."

      IDName = "X"
      Type = "Human"
      ControlUnits = "F1,F2,F3,F4"
      ControlStations = ""
      LongName = "Ground Chief X"
      MailSendTo = ""
      MapDB = "false"
      MapDBTo = ""
      Points = "0.0"
      RemeberFireOnMap = "false"
      RemeberUnitPosOnMap = "false"
      SeeAllFire = "false"
      SeeAllMap = "True"
      SeeAllObjects = "True"
      UnitInfoDisplayOutline = "Ground Chief"
      UserInterfaceLayout = "Ground Chief" />

      IDName = "Y"
      Type = "Human"
      ControlUnits = "UAV5"
      ControlStations = ""
      LongName = "Ground Chief Y"
      MailSendTo = ""
      MapDB = "false"
      MapDBTo = ""
      Points = "0.0"
      RemeberFireOnMap = "false"
      RemeberUnitPosOnMap = "false"
      SeeAllFire = "false"
      SeeAllMap = "True"
      SeeAllObjects = "True"
      UnitInfoDisplayOutline = "Ground Chief"
      UserInterfaceLayout = "Ground Chief" />


Update the Units
Edit file: P2-F4UAV-Units.coni
  1. Set to what role the units will send info to

      IDName = "UAV5"
      Type = "UAV"
      SendInfoTo = "Y"


Update what role are controlling the UAV.
Edit file: P2-F4UAV.con
  1. Set controller - ControllerActive = "Y"

      IDName = "UAV5"
      ControllerActive = "Y"


Roles Map Scroll Positions

Add the new roles and Update all roles map scroll positions.

Edit file: xx-yy-RolesScrollPos.coni

  1. Add new role


      IDName = "X"
      MapStartCenterScrollPos = "20,20" />

      IDName = "Y"
      MapStartCenterScrollPos = "20,20" />

UAVs Map Positions

Add the new UAVs and update all UAVs map positions.

No update needed.

UAVs Map Positions

Add the new UAVs and update all UAVs map positions.

No update needed.



Update unit information outline display.

Edit file : P2-F4UAV-UnitsInfoUI.coni

1. Copy <UnitInfoDisplayOutline Name = "Ground Chief" >
To: <UnitInfoDisplayOutline Name = "Ground Chief X" >
To: <UnitInfoDisplayOutline Name = "Ground Chief Y" >
2. Set what units that should be displayed for each role
Delete "UAV5" for role X
Delete "F1,F2,F3,F3" for role Y

      Name = "Ground Chief X" >

        Property = "IDName"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "40" />

        Property = "Pos"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "50" />

        Property = "Intention"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "50" />

        Property = "Activity"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "70" />

        UnitIDName = "F1"
        UnitInfoDisplayDetail = "FireFighter" />

        UnitIDName = "F2"
        UnitInfoDisplayDetail = "FireFighter" />

        UnitIDName = "F3"
        UnitInfoDisplayDetail = "FireFighter" />

        UnitIDName = "F4"
        UnitInfoDisplayDetail = "FireFighter" />


      Name = "Ground Chief Y" >

        Property = "IDName"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "40" />

        Property = "Pos"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "50" />

        Property = "Intention"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "50" />

        Property = "Activity"
        PropertyType = "String"
        width = "70" />

        UnitIDName = "UAV5"
        UnitInfoDisplayDetail = "UAV" />



Update Role info

Update what unit information outline display each role should display
Edit file: P2-F4UAV-Roles.coni
  1. Update information outline display name for each role - UnitInfoDisplayOutline = "..."

      IDName = "X"
      UnitInfoDisplayOutline = "Ground Chief X"

       IDName = "Y"
       UnitInfoDisplayOutline = "Ground Chief Y"