
Start a C3Fire Session Linux

From C3LearningLabs

To start a C3Fire session you need to.

  • Start the C3Fire server
  • Start a C3Fire manager
  • Select session configuration and scenario
  • All players should start a client and take their role
  • Then start

Start C3Fire server

 cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Server
 sudo sh C3FireServer-Start-Linux.sh
 sudo sh C3FireServer-Start-Linux-NoUI.sh

Start C3Fire client

 cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Client/Application
 sudo sh C3FireClient-Start-Linux.sh

Start C3Fire Server

Start with shell script
Go to the C3Fire server folder: <C3LEARNINGLABS-ROOT>/C3Fire/Server/
Example: cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Server
Start the server with the following command:
sudo sh C3FireServer-Start-Linux.sh
sudo sh C3FireServer-Start-Linux-NoUI.sh Use this if the server should not view user interface.

Recommended commands to start C3Fire server
 cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Server
 sudo sh C3FireServer-Start-Linux.sh

After some startup time the C3Fire server should write in the shell 'C3Fire Server Running', and 'Waiting On Manager'.



Start C3Fire Manager

Start the a c3fire client and select [Manager]

Start with shell script
Go to the C3Fire client application forder: <C3LEARNINGLABS-ROOT>/C3Fire/Client/Application/
cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Client/Application
Start the client with the following command:
sudo sh C3FireClient-Start-Linux.sh

Recommended commands to start C3Fire client
 cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Client/Application
 sudo sh C3FireClient-Start-Linux.sh

After some startup time the C3Fire client should write 'C3Fire Client Running' in the terminal window and open the start window.


After some startup processes the C3Fire client should open the following window.

Select Manager
When the client is started press[Manager]

Select Create Session
Press [Create new session]

Select Create Session
A session identification number is generated.
Write it down to beable to identify correct log file and make replay of the session.
Press [Ok]

Session ID
Select the configuration and scenario files, and press [Ok]

Enter session information
Write the session information you want to be stored in the log file.
This information can be very helpful keeping track all log files.

C3fire Manager
After some startup processes the C3Fire manager client should be open.

Start Players

Start the a c3fire client and select [Player]

Start with shell script
Go to the C3Fire client application forder: <C3LEARNINGLABS-ROOT>/C3Fire/Client/Application/
cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Client/Application
Start the client with the following command:
sudo sh C3FireClient-Start-Linux.sh

Recommended commands to start C3Fire client
 cd /opt/c3system/C3LearningLabs/C3Fire/Client/Application
 sudo sh C3FireClient-Start-Linux.sh

After some startup time the C3Fire client should write 'C3Fire Client Running' in the terminal window and open the start window.

After some startup processes the C3Fire client should open the following window.
Select Player
When the client is started press [Player]

Select Role
Select the role you will play

Select Manager
Then the user interface will start.

Start Session

Every player needs to press [Ok], indecating that they are ready, before the manager can start the session.

Press ok

When all players presser Ok to start, the manager can start the session by pressing the [Start] button.
When the Roles panel have a red background som of the players have not pressed ok.

Select Manager

The logfiles are automatically saved, and the session stops at the time defined in the scenarion configuration.

The session can be stopped before by pressing [Stop] and [Exit].