
Project Mall

From C3LearningLabs

Project Name Colaboration monitioring of Swedish Canadians Teams Acronym SweCanTeam1
Organisation RISE SICS East, Linköping University, Laval University, SAAB Country Sweden, Canada
Contact Person Rego.Granlund@C3Fire.org Year 2017
Project Members Rego Granlund, Jens Alfresson, Sebastien, Björn Johansson, Peter Bergström, Isabelle, Oscar Bjurling and Jacob Weilandt System C3Fire



Tasks Forest Fire Yes People Rescue Yes
Resources Fire Fighters Yes Fuel Logistic Water Logistic Yes FireBreak UAV / Drone Yes People Transportation Yes
Communication Tools Mail Chat Diary Chared Map Map Symbols Voice
Decision Suport Prediction





ID Type Comment
Fire Fighters

Screen Pictures

UI Manager




Player Instructions
Video Recordings

Forest Fire Water Logistic Fuel Logistic FireBreak People UAV Map Symbols Prediction

Art work




(Bjurling 2017) Most valuable player? - Assessing the impact of individual team role activity on team performance in a microworld environment

Artur : Oscar Bjurling
Type : Bachelor thesis, Linköping University, Sweden.
The full thesis can be downloaded at: http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1111835/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Studying team performance dynamics in tasks and activities has proven difficult because of the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the real world. Microworld systems aim to address that issue by providing researchers with controllable simulated environments that captures the essence of their real-world counterpart activities. This study utilized one such microworld system, called C3Fire, to simulate a forest firefighting setting where 48 participants divided into 12 teams were tasked with cooperating in extinguishing the fires. Teams consisted of four roles – each with its different responsibilities and resources. The aim of this study was to determine whether any individual team role had a greater impact on team performance than the other roles. Each team encountered three distinct scenarios of varying difficulty. Command input action counts and self-assessed performance scores were collected for each participant. These measurements were tested for correlations with team scores. The logistics chief role, who was responsible for re-filling and re-fueling other units, stood out as being the only role whose command input count correlated with team score, and being one of only two roles for which command inputs and self-assessed performance scores were correlated, as well. Results of a multiple regression procedure also indicated that the command counts of the logistics chief was a significant predictor of team score.

(Weilandt 2017) Individual Workload’s Relation to Team Workload - An investigation

Artur : Jacob Weilandt
Type : Bachelor thesis, Linköping University, Sweden.
The full thesis can be downloaded at: http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1111849/FULLTEXT01.pdf

There is an ongoing debate regarding the construct of team workload and a central point in that debate is team workload’s relation to individual workload. This study set out to investigate this relationship. To assess the participants’ workload a microworld called C3Fire was used to simulate a complex control situation in which teams had to cooperate to complete the task of fighting a forest fire. Twelve teams that consisted of four members in each team were recruited. In the microworld each member of the team took on one out of four separate roles and completed three different scenarios with varying degree of difficulty in C3Fire. After each scenario, a number of questionnaires aimed at gauging different aspects of the teams’ experience in the microworld were administered. The questionnaire in focus of the current study was the DATMA questionnaire, which was used to measure individual workload and team workload. To assert the relationship between the two constructs a multiple linear regression was conducted. The results provided showed that individual workload could be used as a significant predictor for modeling team workload. The study therefore concludes that there is evidence for a relationship in which each team members individual workload could be the parts of the total sum of team workload